


Application tracking reports giving you a case-by-case breakdown of all applications that meet your request parameters.

High level business reporting giving you a grouped breakdown of how your applications are progressing throughout your pipeline of applications.

Full bespoke MI suite that provides custom reports showing you the data needed to run and manage your business. ER’s report builder allows you to choose individual filters and build a unique report showing exactly the data you need to see. Some of the features include:

  • Application tracking reports giving you a case-by-case breakdown of all applications that meet your request parameters.
  • High level business reporting gives you a grouped breakdown of how your applications are progressing.
  • User performance reports showing how each member of your team is performing to set KPIs and targets.
  • Call performance reports breaking down per user the key statistics, such as number of attempts, average call time, total call time as well as bespoke rules such as number of cases progressed to next stages of application.
  • Introducer performance reports breaking down how successful the leads from each provider are by monitoring the progression of their cases against all other introducers.
  • Provider reports breaking down where sales are coming from and comparing lender spread throughout your business or individual users.
  • Financial reports breaking down income showing you key information such as cost of acquisition, income received, outstanding income and potential pipeline income.

  • Reporting on ER CRM can help your business make data-driven decisions and improve your performance by proving your insights into various aspects of your operations. Some of the benefits are:

    • Saves time and resources
    • Improves communication
    • Analyse KPIs
    • Improve visibility
    • Tailor reports
    • Understanding cause and effect